Help with Sign-In

Signing In

If you have tried to access a secure page before signing-in, you are automatically redirected to the Sign-in page.

Click the large button labeled Click here if you need a password if you need a password, have forgotten your password, or have changed your email address. You can request a copy of a forgotten password at any time. The server instantly sends your password to the email address you specify. If your password and/or email address is not the combination on file, then you will be notified with further instructions. The database administrator is also instantly notified if your password request is not fulfilled.

Your email address must be a valid, working email address. It cannot be over 255 characters long.

Your password cannot be over 14 characters long. It can be any combination of characters and numbers.

Email addresses and passwords are not case-sensitive. Both upper case and lower case will work the same.

Remember Me

Check Remember Me then click Sign In. Only then will this website save an encrypted copy of the typed email address and password on this computer (as a 'cookie'). This computer will then automatically read that to sign-in to this website, until you click Sign Out. Warning: Checking Remember Me will allow anyone using this computer to sign-in and edit your personal information!

When you choose to click Sign-Out at some later time or day, then the cookie is deleted. Even after the cookie is deleted, a highly-skilled technician may be able to 'undelete' and possibly decrypt its email address and password. Because of this, it is never recommended to check Remember Me on any public-accessible computer or any computer that is not accessible solely by you.

Changing your Email Address or Password

After a successful sign-in, you can edit your email address and/or password by clicking My Info or by clicking Edit next to your name in the Directory. If you just need to change your email address, click My Email.

What Happens After A Successful Sign-in

After a successful sign-in you are instantly redirected back to the page that you were trying to view.

If you directly navigate to the Sign-in page and successfully sign-in, the page will display statistics about how many times you have previously signed-in, your last sign-in time, a variety of identification information and your sign-in security privileges.

If you did not check Remember Me, then our security policy will automatically sign out of this website after 20 minutes of inactivity. You are warned if you have been automatically signed-out and are automatically redirected to the Sign-in page. After a successful sign-in you are instantly redirected back to the page that you were trying to view.

Member Security Privilege

Members can sign-in to view and edit certain parts of their information. How much they see and can edit depends upon the sign-in security privilege assigned to them by the database administrator.

Board Security Privilege

Board members have all member security privileges. Board members can also access certain secure documents, audit database changes and view reports about security and website traffic patterns and usage.

Administrator Security Privilege

Administrators have all member and all board member security privileges. Administrators can also view and edit all information. Administrators can access the Admin Tools that allow broadcast email, administrative reporting, and much more.

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