Help with Password Request

Use the Password Request page when you need a password, have forgotten your password, or have changed your email address. You can request a copy of a forgotten password at any time. For your protection, the server only sends your password to the email address you specify. If your password email address is not on file, then you will be notified with further instructions. The database administrator is also instantly notified if your password request is not fulfilled.

Your email address must be a valid, working email address. It cannot be over 255 characters long.

Email addresses are not case-sensitive. Both upper case and lower case will work the same.

New User or New Email Address

If you are not yet an authorized user, you can request your initial password by using the Password Request page. Please include your first and last name. If the email address that you last used to sign-in is no longer available, enter your new email address and also include your first and last name.

If we can identify you as an authorized user, a password will be quickly sent to the address you enter. When in doubt that we may not have your email address on file, it is always a good idea to include your name and optional phone number.

When to Expect a Password

The website server instantly sends your password (or further instructions) after you click Send My Password. Some email servers at large corporations or Internet Service Provider may take a few minutes to process it and make it ready for you to receive in your inbox. You will not receive a password if you enter a misspelled or non-working email address.

How to Change Your Existing Email Address or Password

After successfully receiving your password and signing-in, you can edit your email address and/or password by clicking My Info or by clicking Edit next to your name in the Directory. If you just need to change your email address, click My Email.

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