About Us
 Our Mission and History

ALTCFM - Providing education to long term care financial managers since 1993.

We are an association working to enhance financial and other management expertise of individuals within the long term care continuum.

Our Mission

To provide a resource which will ensure continuing education for persons engaged in the financial aspects of nursing home operations; to provide a forum to raise, discuss and resolve common issues relating to long term care financial management; to develop an organization that can provide the necessary expertise to respond to industry-wide financial issues.

Who We Are

The Association for Long Term Care Financial Managers (ALTCFM) is a voluntary membership association for individuals working within the long term health care industry. Individuals eligible for membership include any person who demonstrates an interest in long term care financial management including without limitation, facility administrators, financial officers, accountants and bookkeepers as well as government officials, accountants, attorneys, consultants and bankers.

  • Approximately 325 members
  • Membership year runs from April 1 - March 31 and billed on an annual cycle

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